Meaning of the Auspicious Marks on the Lotus Feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
Right Lotus Foot:
1.Lotus – The lotus also signifies that just as a lotus grows out of water, similarly those whose eyes swell with tears upon chanting the Nityananda and Gauranga Mantrarajas receive the highest benefit.
2. Stick can be Symbol of strength and power; The bridge between the materialand spiritual; Can be symbol of sanyasi stick/ danda.
3. Upcurving line – This mark signifies that the devotees who cling to The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga and Their Holy Names, as if holding on to a life-line, will be transported to the higher realms. Indeed, they will not fall down.
4. Barleycorn – This mark signifies that the devotees of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga receive all enjoyable opulences of prosperity by serving Their feet.
5. Umbrella – This mark proves that those who take shelter of The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga are shielded from the incessant rainfall of material miseries. Furthermore, this mark on Lord Gauranga’s feet indicates that His feet provide relief to His devotees from the scorching heat felt in His separation.
6. Mountain- This mark on the lotus feet of Lord Gauranga reveals that even though Giri Govardhana is worshiped by all of Vraja as the best of mountains, stilt Govardhana Hill in turn serves the feet of the Divine Couple in the form of Lord Gauranga in Navadvipa.
7. Elephant Goad –This mark indicates that meditation on The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga brings the elephants of Their devotees’ minds under control and keeps them on the right path. It also shows that those who thus stay on the path toward Their feet and Holy Names become superior among men, just as one riding on top of an elephant travels far above the rest.
8. Thunderbolt – This mark reveals that meditation on The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga smashes to pieces the mountain of Their devotees’ karmic reactions to past sins. It also indicates that whoever holds on to Their feet becomes as exalted as Lord Indra (whose weapon is the thunderbolt).
9. Chariot – This mark symbolizes the universe as a chariot and The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Gauranga show in which direction for all souls to travel. It further indicates that Lord Gauranga is so merciful to His devotees that He even becomes the chariot driver for them.
10. Spear – This mark assures those who wish to have the miserable bonds of the mundane sphere cut, and who take shelter of The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga immediately slash all entangle-ments and difficulties. It also indicates that They are shaktimana or the natural possessors of all divine potencies, whereas Their servants are not endowed with separate, independent power but are completely dependent on Them
11. Sacrificial Altar – This mark proclaims that the sins of those who meditate upon The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga are burned up as if on the altar of sacrifice. Further-more, it indicates that just as the universe is nourished by the brahmanas offering fire-sacrific-es, similarly those who offer their minds in sacri-fice to Their lotus feet stimulate universal nourishment that affects all of creation.
12. Club- This mark is to show that The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga are capable of chastising the elephant of sinful lust. It further indicates that for whoever takes shelter of Their feet all their ancestors will also receive benefit
13. Kunda Earrings – Gauranga’s lotus feet hold this emblem to indicate how Krishna’s ear is always listening for the tinkling sound of the charming anklebells of Radha’s lotus feet; thus Lord Krishna lives for the shelter of Her feet, which give Him all happiness. It also shows that Lord Gauranga’s two lotus feet are the theorum that is proven by the system of sankhya.
14. Swastikas – This mark signifies that for those who resort to The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga, all is well. It also shows that nothing inauspicious could possibly remain for one who holds Their feet to their heart.
15. Blackberry Fruits – This mark is indicative that The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga are the only worshipable objects for all those who are residents of this region of Jambudvipa (island of the Blackberry Fruits, according to Vedic cosmography).
16. Octagon – This mark symbolizes that those who worship The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga are well-protect-ed in the eight directions. It also shows that nothing within the kingdom of eight directions is unattainable for the devotees.
Left Lotus Foot:
1. Conch – This auspicious mark indicates that those who take shelter of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga’s lotus feet are always rescued from all sorts of distress. Just as during the arati ceremony the conchshell is used to hold water that is offered directly after the fire of the ghee-lamp, similarly Their feet hold transcendental water that soothes Their devotees from the blazing fire of material miseries.
2. Sky – This mark of two circles, one within the other indicates that His feet are all pervading throughout the entire universe both within and without all manifestations. It also shows that even though His feet are everywhere, they are unattached just like the sky.
3. Jewelled Bangle- This mark, unique to Gauranga’s feet indicates that His feet are always present on the hands of His devotees who are massaging His feet after His sankirtana dancing pastimes, just as a bracelet always accompanies the hand.
4. Pitchers /Waterpot (Kalaña) – This mark shows that His feet hold the golden pitcher full of purely nectarean ambrosia to be freely consumed by the surrendered souls; indeed, they will never be bereft of nectar, for this pitcher always remains full.
5. Unstrung Bow– This mark reveals that those who take shelter of the lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga will perpetually be freed from all worries and difficulties. It also shows that those who are stupefied in the material world remain motionless like a target and do not come to Their feet and Their Holy Name; 6. Disc – This mark cuts down the six enemies of The devotees of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga – lust. anger, greed, illusion, envy, and bewilderment. It indicates tejas or the principle of brilliance by which They destroy the darkness of sin from within Their own devotees’ hearts.
7. Cow’s Hoofprint – This mark signifies that for those who have taken full shelter of uninterrupted meditation on the lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga, the great ocean of material worldly existence becomes very small and insignificant like the water held in a calf’s hoof-print, and thus is easily crossed over.
8. Triangle – The meanings of this mark are: that the devotees who resort to The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga will be saved from the snares of the three-fold modes of maya; t
9. Half Moon – This mark symbolizes how The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga truly accomplish the desired objectives of the devotees. It signifies that even gods like Lord Shiva have decorated their own heads with the soles of Their feet and their mouths by Their Holy Name. It also shows that devotees who likewise decorate their own heads with Their feet can become exalted like Shiva.
10. Waterpots – This mark shows that The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga hold the golden pitcher full of purely nectarean ambrosia to be freely consumed by the surren-dered souls; indeed, they will never be bereft of nectar, for this pitcher always remains full.
11. Victory Flag – This mark announces that for the devotees meditating on the feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga, the Lords give full security and safe protection from all sorts of fear. Furthermore, this mark on Gauranga’s foot indicates that there will be supreme victory for all the associates of Lord Gauranga who are aware of the glories of His lotus feet.
12. Flower – This mark, unique to Gauranga’s feet, shows that the divine fame of His feet spreads everywhere just like the fragrance of a flower. It also shows that His feet are not hard, but soft as flower petals. And it means that just as every fruit comes into being after the plant blooms, similarly all spiritual fruits come into being after first blossoming at the soles of Lord Gauranga’s lotus feet.
13. Flowery Twig (valli) – This mark unique to Lord Gauranga’s foot, symbolizes how the desire-creeper of the devotees grows and grows and gradually seeks refuge at His lotus feet. It also shows that His feet are always found in the forest of Navadvipa, where many vines and creepers thrive.
14. Flower Garland shows that the divine fame of His feet spreads everywhere just like the fragrance of a flower
15. Tortoise – Vitality, healh, longevity, protection.
gaurangera duti pada, jara dhana sampada,
se jane bhakati-rasa-sara
Shrila Narottama Dasa Thakura sings: “Anyone who accepts the two lotus feet of the Supreme Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu as one’s only treasure and wealth in life, becomes qualified to understand the essence of the pure mellows of devotional service to the Lord.”
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